Personal Brand Photography Kick Start

February 03, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

     I've tried to blog post before. Typically I get about halfway through and either forget what I had intended to say about whatever, or I decide what I was saying wasn't all that important, or worse yet, because I can never seem to post with any sense of regularity, I give up before I even start. Not today though! Today I'm going to see it through to the end of the post.

     2020 and 2021 were tough for the business. 2022 isn't looking too promising either, truth be told. That is, if I don't change something. And so I shall. I've tried to launch my Personal Brand Photography arm of the business before. I let one thing or another always get in the way of a really good launch. I also feel I took too many cues from my mentor. That's not a bad thing, but it never seemed to work for me. Why? I don't know. I don't feel like I put enough of "me" into my pitches before. So I'm backing up and taking stock to release this project my way, in my time, and in my words.

     I love cosplay photography. I love working with experienced cosplayers, and cosplayers new to the community. I love working with people that are practically models, and with people who have never been in front of a lens. But in 2020 the pandemic shut down nearly all the conventions where 90% of my business happens. I was able to get in two cons in 2021. So you can see why something needs to change. So I looked back at the Personal Brand Photography lessons I took, and started thinking, "This would be a good time to really kick that off." It's one on one instead of a group setting. It's not dependent upon a convention, and I have something very unique to offer the PBP world and my clients. Maybe now is a good time to try and ramp it up!

     And here I am. Getting set to really launch myself this Saturday with four exclusive slots being offered at a significant discount to what this would normally cost in order to build my portfolio. You might be asking, "Why don't you do it for free like you did when you started Cosplay Photography?" Simple, my work has value. I'm also a lot more confident in what I can deliver than I was 8 years ago. So the cost will cover my time. What you'll receive will be worth far more than this limited offer will be charging. I'll detail what you receive a little later on.

     I broke down briefly, what PBP is in a Facebook post yesterday. But I really wanted to dig into it today. In this world, especially after the past two years and more than ever, business owners and entrepreneurs are connecting with their audiences and clients through social media outlets. Video and streaming have helped to play a big part of that connection, as has content of photos and selfies posted on a regular basis. But it's often time consuming to brainstorm, create, and post consistent content! And if we're connecting to our clients through online portals, that consistency is paramount!

     That's where Personal Brand Photography steps in. Your brand is put together of your colors, your words, but most of all your personality. You are your brand in this day and age! Clients will buy from you because the know you, they like you, or they trust you. PBP helps bridge the gap between you and your client to connect you to them so that they come to know, like and trust you, thus helping you close more sales. PBP is your way to not only have daily content for yourself, simplifying your life, and allowing you to build your business and brand, but it's also your way to reach your clients on a personal level if you desire. You open the door just as far as you like into your personality, and let your clients peer inside with PBP.

     We'll start with a contract. The contract spells out expectations for both you and me. From there we move into communication about what you want to see in your session, posed shots, candid, work in progress poses, tools, and even some product if you desire. Once that's all hammered out, we set a date. I'll come to you and work with you in your home, office, or makerspace over the course of two hours to make sure we get all you need from the session. I'm willing to travel. I haven't set a radius yet from my home that I will travel without an additional fee, but I'll be working that out in the next two days. Then, per the contract, I will edit the images and deliver to you through your own private gallery.

     At that point, the images are yours to do with as you please. You'll have a limited commercial release with the purchase. This means you can edit, drop filters on it, add text, add your colors, you name it. And you don't have to tag me like I ask when shooting cosplay photos. The content is about you and about you building your brand. It will be your content that you'll be using to drive your business to the next level!

     I want to thank you for reading through all of this and being a part of my journey. I have an ask of everyone who does find their way to this blog post. Whether you find yourself in need of the Personal Brand Photography or not, I would like to ask you to follow my posts on Facebook and/or Instagram. Please tag people you think would be interested in learning more (like...the price!) and share the heck out of the post on Saturday. Every little inch helps me grow, which helps other entrepreneurs grow, too. Thank you!



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